...and find out more about me than what's in the fancy dancy professional bio on my my web site? I've always been a fan of those lists of random amazing facts (perhaps I spent too much time reading the Guinness Book of World Records as a kid? The dude with the longest fingernails always freaked me out, yet I couldn't stop looking.) So, here's a list of my own - but hopefully nothing as disturbing as Fingernail Guy!*
- I've got two great kids, Tucker and Abbie, who make me laugh out loud every day, and an unbelievably amazing husband, Vince (yep, that makes me married to Vince Vaughan) who I still have the world's biggest crush on. My tippy tippy favorite way to spend a Saturday morning is snuggling in bed with them.
- Okay, I lied. My actual favorite way to spend Saturday morning is sleeping. But after that, when the sun has hit its high point and it is no longer socially acceptable to keep sleeping, then I love nothing better than cuddling with my peeps.
- I used to work at Teen and Sassy magazines. It was my dream job growing up, and I couldn't believe it when I got the chance to write the quizzes that I'd lived by my teen years by. And that is what qualifies me to use uber-hip phrases like "peeps."
- I have been known to squeal with delight when I'm photographing a couple being lovey-dovey, or a beautiful bride. I've been told that it's cute, not totally annoying - any of my past couples want to comment on that? ;-)
- Forget the carrot - if you want me to edit your photos faster, bribe me with chocolate chip cookies, my all-time fave. And Special K bars. But I once gained 12 pounds in two months eating Special K bars - with a name like that, who knew they weren't an acceptable substitute for breakfast?!
- I heart peanut butter bagels. My poor husband. I would be perfectly content to eat one every night for dinner.
- People always ask what made us move from sunny California to Minnesota (usually with a wary look that indicates they may recommend I be committed, depending on what the answer is). Well, it was God. Hard to argue with that one, huh? I believe He led us here to a simpler way of life, and a deeper sense of community. And I am so happy we followed. What's not to love about Minnesota nice?!
- I am a firm believer that if you don't take a picture of an event, it's almost like it didn't happen. Maybe it's 'cuz I only have 5 photos of myself growing up, and none with both my parents. This is something my kids will definitely not have to worry about. In fact, it's remotely possible I overcompensate a wee bit on this one. Come visit my house if you want to offer your opinion!
- I absolutely 100% love what I get to do for a living. I can't even call it a job, because there's nothing that feels like work about it. What a lucky, lucky girl I am!
- Life is good. Yes, indeed.
* Turns out, the most recent world record holder for longest fingernails was a woman. She hadn't cut her nails in 30 years, and they were almost 3 feet long. Eek. That just raises all kinds of questions in the mind, doesn't it? She claims they didn't impact her daily life much at all. ??!! Anyway, the sad news is that she was in a car crash and they all broke off. Seriously. That brings a whole new meaning to the expression "Dang, I broke a nail!"
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Jacki Vaughan
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