Category Archives: portraits

Bet you can’t eat just one Lay’s…

…and not want more and more! Am I showing my age here, or just my thing for cheesy ad jingles? In any case, that’s how I feel about Abby and Connor! I had sooo much fun photographing their retro chic wedding, that I asked them if they’d get dressed back up for round two! This […]

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Abby - June 25, 2011 - 9:29 pm

I didn’t know we made the blog!! What a fun day that was! I want that first one in a big old frame…and the third one and the fifth one and the sixth one… <3

Top 10 “get real” moments of 2010

  Hello, and welcome to the 21st century (that’s aimed at me, not at you.) Yes, I realize I am the last person on the face of the planet to start a blog. But I am a (shhhh) secret technophobe. That’s right – somehow I manage to master the intricacies of a $5,000 camera and […]

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admin - September 8, 2011 - 9:46 am

Thanks so much, Erin! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Just sent you an email… :)

Erin Wilkinson - August 18, 2011 - 2:45 pm

I happened across this blog while looking for wedding venues and am amazed at the work-these are truly beautiful pictures! I love love love the idea of the couple at the fair-it seems like they are in their own little world. Where are you based out of? My faince and I are looking for a great photographer-might have to keep your information in mind! (Although I am in Fargo so that might be too far to travel…)

Erin Konik - March 17, 2011 - 10:32 am

I love your new blog! You have such a gift for capturing special moments and the true essence of people! We love, love, love our family pictures that you took of our whole Konik gang! Every time I look at them I smile! You are very talented and I wish you well!

Terri - March 11, 2011 - 2:32 pm

I’ve said it many times, and I will say it again, “You are one of a kind! Noone captures moments and people like you do!” The most beautiful pictures I have of my family are the ones you’ve taken! You are truly doing what you were created to do!

When you do something, it’s always top notch! beautiful new blog! You are such a moment catcher, always keeping it real! That’s why a real, wonderful person like you makes an amazing photographer! You tell stories so well! much love,

admin - March 10, 2011 - 1:38 pm

Girls, you are the reason I love what I do! Thank you so much for all your kind words!
Question of the day: Will there be a guy brave enough to post a comment, or is this strictly girl land?

Cheri Rossi - March 9, 2011 - 10:58 pm

Jackie – I hope you never get tired of hearing what an amazing photographer you are. You are absolutely doing what you were meant to do. My favorites: (1) Grandma and Grandpa, hands down. (2) Marissa and Mom in the winter wonderland. Just precious! The State Fair whizzing by is really fun and what a great effect! That IS what true love should feel like!

Deborah K - March 9, 2011 - 11:59 am

Jacki, What a wonderful blog you have created! I look at your beautiful photos and incredible wordsmithing, and I think to myself, “and to think I knew her when she was just a young woman with a bow on her ponytail!” I’m celebrating with you your incredible love of and success at your photography business–Deborah

Tracy - March 9, 2011 - 9:58 am

What a beautiful display of moments Jacki! I LOVE the stories behind the images…you have a wonderful way with words. So happy to see your new blog and I can’t wait to check back and see more beautiful moments explored!

Mary - March 8, 2011 - 10:08 pm

Wow Jacki- simply amazing! They are such incredible shots and the stories make them even more real and incredible.
It’s hard to pick but my favorite is Lucky #13- The State Fair is such a bustling busy place and to capture the real love of this couple in a moment of the “busyness” is so captivating! You are so talented!!

Kristin Wolford - March 8, 2011 - 8:25 pm

I really enjoyed this Jacki! Thanks for sharing!!

Sonya Hemmings - March 8, 2011 - 7:05 pm

What amazing photos, Jacki! And what a fun debut blog post! (All those years writing quizzes and lists for teen magazines gave you such a fun wordsmithing style to pair with your awesome images!) I’ve always been a fan, but now I’m one officially. :-)

Rosia Valencia - March 8, 2011 - 3:09 pm

Jacki, All I can say is WOW! I remember when you and Dave took a photography class in San Jose, all I can say is “you have come along way baby” I particularly like #4 because it has your cute husband in it. I’m honored to pass your blog on to the IPC folks. We miss you guys in California

Robert Gordon - March 8, 2011 - 9:36 am

Beautiful photos capturing memories for a life time. Thanks for posting Kate and Pete along with all the other wonderful couples.

Melissa - March 8, 2011 - 7:43 am

Oh yeah, please don’t ask me to pick my favorite – each one is so unique, I look forward to many more!! Love the “I’m and artist, not an accountant” – PERFECT!!!

Melissa - March 8, 2011 - 7:41 am

I am overcome and feel so blessed to be let into your world of happiness and love. What a great job to have being surrounded by pure joy all the time! I am also THRILLED as one who knew you when it was your dream to write for Tiger Beat, that you have returned to sharing your heartfelt, poignant,and down right delicious stories with us. LOVE YOU!

Amber Sue - March 7, 2011 - 11:41 pm

Jacki, thanks for inviting me into such a wonderful 2010. I loved reading every single one of YOUR favorite moments, and can see just why you chose them! I look forward to many more blog posts in the future! All the best!

Nancy Mammano - March 7, 2011 - 11:38 pm

Wow Jacki! Who would have thought back during those years in the Alpha Gamma Delta house that you would grow up to take such amazing photographs!!!??? Did you even have a camera at JMU? I am completely in awe of the beautiful work that you do and the fun and emotions that you bring out in every picture. Next time you are in CA I need you to take some family portraits! I am happy to spread the Jacki.V blog around!!!! Love and miss you! Nancy

Shani Verdon - March 7, 2011 - 10:42 pm

Why, Mrs. Vaughan, you almost make me want to get married again so I can have you photograph it all. These are truly so beautiful. You have a gift that I wish I had in capturing the moments that mean the most. My faves are 8, 9 and 10. But, they all brought me into the world of these couples and I laughed and cried a along with them. Could you follow me around for a day with a camera and make my life look that wonderful? And to think I knew you when…..

admin - March 7, 2011 - 10:35 pm

Thank you, thank you ladies for taking the time to read the stories behind these great moments and share your thoughts. :-) Gayle, good luck with your lesson! Roxanne – I love how you don’t follow the rules either – don’t box us in, right?!

Roxanne - March 7, 2011 - 9:38 pm

Where to begin?! They are ALL so incredible, I can’t pick just one. But since you didn’t stay to “10”, I guess I can indulge as well.

I also find the pastor VERY handsome ; ) but I think my favorite shot goes to “11. They Said It Couldn’t Be Done”. What a precious couple and what we ALL hope for as we start out down the Giant Slide of marriage. The secret being to smile & dance, even if you think no one is watching or will catch you.

Artistically, and for sentiment as well, I’ll go with “5. Best Friend/Mom” (thanks for having me shed a tear) AND “7. Last Days of Fall”…love how they are framed with the fall closing in on them.

Keep up the GREAT work!!!

Heather - March 7, 2011 - 9:11 pm

I love not only how you capture the moments but how you tell the story of people’s love and wedding day both with your words on this blog and with your images. Your pictures really do speak a thousand words about the joy, love, laughter and uniqueness of each wedding.

ghkcole - March 7, 2011 - 12:23 pm

As a teacher in an elementary school, I have plans to do a lesson on the power of photos to tell a story. I hope to use your beautiful blog as an example to the kids! Wow – this is so powerful. From your writing to your amazing, compelling images, one simple word rises up, resonates, reverberates: LOVE. You capture it.
I am so fortunate to know you.

Cheryl Morgan - March 7, 2011 - 11:17 am

Jacki, I LOVE your photos and your blog! You capture such feeling and emotion in your photos and words. If I had to pick a favorite (and it is hard) I would pick the second photo. The emotion and love there is so evident. It makes me teary. I wish I could go back in time and have you take photos of my wedding– though you were probably only ten or something then. : )

Jacci - March 7, 2011 - 10:31 am

Jacki, Jacki, Jacki. Okay, I think I finally stopped being emotional!!! The photos are always fantabulous!, but the stories behind them are always that much more amazing. After I read each ‘blurb’ on the photo, it took me right back to my wedding day only two years ago. But I think my favorite was number 11. How sad to know you never get to see your grandparents smile, and what a gift and blessing to be able to capture a few and far between moment; something to keep for the rest of a grandchild’s life! I love you, keep doing what God has gifted you with, lives are being changed.
**not to mention, we both have a cool name, with a cool and unique way to spell it**

admin - March 6, 2011 - 11:31 pm

Oh girls, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words. I didn’t know if anything could be more amazing than getting to photograph these moments – but I have to say hearing what they make you feel comes pretty dang close! Cheryle and Kim, I am so honored to have been there to photograph for your families. Thank you! Jacki

cheryle - March 6, 2011 - 6:56 pm

Wow!!! Not only are your photos great, you are so good at
getting “the” moment. I am so happy we met, I am thrilled
you took Marissa’s wedding and I couldn’t be more happy to
be your friend and admirer. It’s not often you meet someone
and immediately feel you are thrilled to be involed with that
person and trust that person and Jacki that is exactly how I
felt when we first met. I wish you and your beautiful family
only the best ever. Much happiness and success always, Cheryle

Verna Pitts - March 5, 2011 - 12:31 pm

I loved having an up close look at your cherished moments for this past year! Such a lovely blog and your voice is pure and wonderful!

Kimberly Wolff - March 5, 2011 - 9:50 am

Do you honestly think I would ever be able to chose the best “get real” moment out of those amazing 14?!? This blog just further showcases why Tyler and I chose Jacki to be our wedding photographer. Though I’m obviously biased about our stolen alleyway kiss (#3), I absolutely LOVE the #13 engagement session photo. What an incredible shot! You can really feel the love between the two of them amongst the crowd…and if that’s not real, I don’t know what is.

I would whole-heartedly recommend Jacki to anyone seeking true talent and personality in a photographer. I’ve done more than my share of research and she’s the best of the best.

GORGEOUS photos – all of them!

margie - March 5, 2011 - 7:27 am

What gorgeous smiles and beautiful moments! I love the universal joy of love and the wonderful ways you capture it! – margie